Or so I thought. Ugh...it's so frustrating. I look at it and think "Oh, I don't have that much to go" and then I start making lists in my head.
- Spawners
- Terrain
- Bushes/plants
- Interiors on at least half of the built buildings
- At least 14 complete builds to go
- 3-4 tombs to plan out, build/decorate, then booby trap
Will I ever get it finished?
I did finish some adorable houses that I really love a lot, rearranged some of the suburb 'historic' downtown area, and added a butterfly pavilion. I had planned on going with a similar landscape of outside of the pavilion but Kayla showed me some lovely pictures of New Zealand so now the pavilion is more tropical.
That last is the butterfly pavilion. Am trying to think about to add a small, man made waterfall inside and, until I can figure it out, I've taken a break from it. But I think I have a pretty start. They are kinda crappy pictures but taking pictures in edit mode is harder than live mode and, I'm building so no sims at the moment.